The days seem very shiny and hopeful after 21 Feb 2011 where my STPM result came out.
I am teaching Form 4 students mathematics every Monday night in Sri Nibong Tuition Center. Some of the them used not to pay attention somehow in my class. Perhaps I look like a student rather than a teacher.haha~
However, I still help them by guiding them how to solve the math problems which are very annoying and boring to them. This became my job.
Last night, as usual I teach them at Monday night. The air conditioner, old marker pan and dirty white board were still playing their instrumental roles in the small class. But there were something different. They all turned up in my lesson without being late.
It was what really shocked me first. I was pretty sure that they knew I have got a good STPM result cus I know Mr and Mrs Teoh would spread the good news to the students.
Teach..teach..teach..No one sounded disrespectful.
Before I finished teaching, one of the students voiced out something like : 'teacher, how could you improve your language?'.
I turned to him curiously,wondering how much he knows about me.
I held the marker pen with both of my hands and started to talk to them informally.
I realized that Sir has ever shared with them something about me before.
At the end of my lesson, the students shared about their problems that influence them from being hardworking in the class. Some of them wanted to have a change in their life. It sounded great indeed.
In order to get them ready for the examination, we decided to have revision tomorrow night.
I liked the way they talked to me and listened to me last night because it made me to feel greatly respected. The feeling was great and indescribable. I liked the way they dismissed last night, they joked to each other before leaving by saying :'ei..change change!'. Even thought that might seem like a joke rather than a encouragement, but I sincerely hope they really help themselves to improve.
Wish them all the best in future^^
( for those who have ever helped me to improve myself, I give thanks to each of everyone of you sincerely! )
20 hours ago
am i one of them??? @.@