In a very good morning,I was woke up by a call which was from Micheal Angelo.He was not sure the way to Bukit Jawi and asked me how to go in the phone.=='''
He went swimming with his pretty sisters,sadly I rejected his invitation last night.cause I should have to accompany my Gm and Mom this morning.
sat on the sofa of white with semi-lying posture.opened my eyes with semi-consciousness.
They urged me to wash my face and follow them.well~forced to move...sianzzz~somehow my brother was more lazy than me,he didn't wake up for breakfast also.Geng!!Actually I should be the latest who fell asleep last night among my family.Of course,I should have the right being the one who woke up latest.
Whatever,I just endeavored to be a good son and grandson.^^
On the way,I was still in a 1per4 awake condition.=='''
We made our way to bustling Pasar.I set my safety belt automatically,even I was not so conscious of which Hand I used.
At the Pasar,we found no place parking and I noticed a familiar umbrella.wah kao!!police!
Why was I so scared?take it easy,man~=='''
Don't know why police like to set beside the road reading news paper and don't want to set properly inside the Police Office drinking coffee?
At the same time,I discovered many cars were parked in many hazardous and irresponsible ways.walao~sort of selfish behavior!It became a seemingly acceptable way of parking.
There have some areas for parking.Some of the stupids parked their stupid cars outside the lanes and covered the way for the cars which are in the parking area to come out unreasonably.
hard to express la...Actually,I should have to take some photos...really angry with the behavior.Why don't they just straight away park their cars in the middle of the road?more easier what?walao~
Due to their stupid behaviors,we went ahead to Palir Buntar...^^
Light refreshment became our breakfast.Nothing was special,they just ate and I just swallowed.
erm~going back...By the way,I asked my GM about the story of how my GM and GF encounter?(cus she asked me about BGR before.)
haha!!funny story!!It happened dramatically.She enjoyed to tell me about the her story.haha!!!
It sounded interesting....kakaka!!!erm~well~that is all.
Then,they went to buy ticket for my GM.cus she will go back to Rawang on monday.^^sad...
2 hours ago
Her BGF problem shudnt be as complicated as the present.