I am now typing my post in a noisy and dim ciber cafe.The first day of my school life,it's just nothing but normal.
My classmates' patterns stiil remain unchanged.They are still friendly and funnny.
Today,I was talking with two girls.I noticed that my blog is just boring to them.What can I do to change it?Is it life have to be so colorful and exciting?I prefer to have a simple and meaningful life.^^
In my opinion,blog is used to share your things with your sincere friends.
It is used to tell them what is happening in your life.
They are caring you and wondering how you are all the time.Viewing their blogs means that you are caring them.It is just touching if they know that.It isn't used to amuse those who view your blog.^^
Today,there is a new student entering our class-Ong Zhang.
He is now officially becoming my classmate.It almost got me into trouble today.How to say?
He came into our class.Of course, my dear Miss Ooi started to ask him sth.It's actually nothing to do with me.Since he kept mumbling in the conversation,the situation has been changed.
She asked:"okay~now..Is there Nibong Tebal friend?"
Since that time,I know that I got into a trouble innocently.
She suspected that I suggested him to transfer to High School.Guys~I am innocent!
I tried my best to explain for escaping the trouble using my persuasion.Thank God for setting me free from inquiry.==
well~At the same time,there were some question marks appearing above my head.What made him to decide to study here?
After school,I talked with him and roughly intriduced all the teachers to him.I noticed that we are thinking of the same thing and finally we made the same decision.^^
Then, we took our lunch together and I fetched him back to his hostel.Took a look inside his hostel,it's just....plain and unadornable.I am blessed enough by my Lord. T.T
Grateful is only the expression I can feel for him.
18 hours ago
how?? he is so nice right?? ei..u dont bully him ah...wakaka...^^'''